To file a complaint?


The Customer Complaints redress mechanism of the Commission is governed by the following regulations:

1.    Customer Service Standards of Performance for Distribution Companies
2.    Customer Complaints Handling Standards & Procedures
3.    Connection & Disconnection procedures for Electricity Services
4.    Meter Reading, Cash Collections & Credit Management for Electricity supply

STEP 1 - DisCOs’ Customer Complaints Units (CCU)

When an electricity Customer wants to make a complaint, the first point of call shall be the Customer Complaints Unit (CCU) of the Distribution Company responsible for supplying electricity to the area.

View DISCO Customer Complaints Unit

STEP 2 - NERC Consumer Forum

Any customer dissatisfied with the outcome of the handling of his complaint(s) by the CCU or encounters delay/failure in the handling of such complaints may refer his complaint(s) to the NERC Consumer Forum.

View Forum Offices


Any customer dissatisfied with the ruling of the Forum can escalate their complaint to NERC by submitting a ticket here or submitting your complaint and all supporting documents to the NERC HQ.

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